Saturday, 4 August 2012

10 things to do when overdue in pregnancy (the alternative list)

So, tonight at 11 days overdue me and hubby decided to head to a favourite local restaurant in Leigh-on-Sea 'Simply Blues' for dinner as a distraction and to dare our stubborn little dude to cause a drama in public! 

We have all read the usual lists which contain enlightening suggestions of things to do when overdue such as reading a good book, watching a film or washing baby clothes. In all honesty these tips are either ridiculously obvious or as dull hearing yet another woman tell you how kinky 'Fifty Shades...' is. I like to think that the following is a list of far more inventive and entertaining ways to spend your final days with child:  

1, Go out for dinner in a busy restaurant and, when you get massive cramp in your massive arse, jump up suddenly and loudly. If not suffering cramps, do it anyway. Watch the staff shit themselves and the childless couples around you look really uncomfortable.

 2. Wear your 'I'm not fat, I'm pregnant’ (or similar) t-shirt for the irony of being so pregnant and so large. Even better to combine this with point number one.

3. Take a bus or train ride and when (if) someone offers you a seat act horrified and demand to know what they are suggesting. 

4. Head to Boots but not for your usual breast pads and Bio Oil. Browse the contraceptive aisle for a while and engage an assistant in an in depth conversation about which method is best. 

5. Ask for a tour of your local gym. When they ask you what you want to use the gym for tell them you have a bit of a belly to sort out for your holiday to Ibiza next month.

6. Go speed dating and watch the horrified and potentially disgusted looks on the faces of the singletons. In particular the men as they sit down uncomfortably and think of something to say.  

7. Take a trip to Ann Summers. Ask the assistant for advice on the crotchless knickers and nipple tassels. If you are really brave you could even ask them which sex toy is best to bring on labour.  

8. Go to your local shop or cafe and pick up a bag of prawn cocktail crisps. Proceed to ask the assistant whether you can eat them because they contain shellfish and you are concerned about the risks in pregnancy. Please note someone genuinely asked our midwife this question. I shit you not.

9. Take a trip to the cinema to see a 15 or 18 rated film and ask the staff whether you allowed because you are carrying a minor. Even when they look confused and tell you it is not a problem, leave quickly, looking upset and ashamed.

10. The possibilities are endless. Use your imagination to make being overdue in pregnancy as inventive and enjoyable as possible.

Note: I have not tried out all of these ideas and am not a medical professional. I am not suggesting that sex toys or any other point from the list will help to bring on labour or is a good plan in any way.

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